Results for 'Robert E. Crew'

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  1.  7
    Jeb Bush: Aggressive Conservatism in Florida.Robert E. Crew - 2009 - Upa.
    This book examines the conservative theory that guided Jeb Bush's behavior and the aggressive manner in which he used the Office of Governor to pursue his goals. It offers insight into his motivations and competencies and analyzes the extent to which his self proclaimed 'revolution' achieved its goals in Florida.
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    Origins of Mendelism. By Robert C. Olby. Pp. 204; plates and illustrations. London: Constable, 1966. 30s. - Foundations of Genetics. By F. A. E. Crew. Pp. xiii + 202; plates and illustrations. Pergamon Press, Oxford, London, 1966. 21s. [REVIEW]C. Webster - 1966 - British Journal for the History of Science 3 (2):197-198.
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  3. Pragmatism in Environmental Ethics.Ben A. Minteer & Robert E. Manning - 1999 - Environmental Ethics 21 (2):191-207.
    A growing number of contributors to environmental philosophy are beginning to rethink the field’s mission and practice. Noting that the emphasis of protracted conceptual battles over axiology may not get us very far in solving environmental problems, many environmental ethicists have begun to advocate a more pragmatic, pluralistic, and policy-based approach in philosophical discussions abouthuman-nature relationships. In this paper, we argue for the legitimacy of this approach, stressing that public deliberation and debate over alternative environmental ethics is necessary for a (...)
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  4. Convergence in environmental values: An empirical and conceptual defense.Ben A. Minteer & Robert E. Manning - 2000 - Ethics, Place and Environment 3 (1):47 – 60.
    Bryan Norton 's convergence hypothesis, which predicts that nonanthropocentric and human-based philosophical positions will actually converge on long-sighted, multi-value environmental policy, has drawn a number of criticisms from within environmental philosophy. In particular, nonanthropocentric theorists like J. Baird Callicott and Laura Westra have rejected the accuracy of Norton 's thesis, refusing to believe that his model's contextual appeals to a plurality of human and environmental values will be able adequately to provide for the protection of ecological integrity. These theoretical criticisms (...)
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  5. The Competition of Ideas: Market or Garden?Robert Sparrow & Robert E. Goodin - 2001 - Critical Review of International Social and Political Philosophy 4 (2):45-58.
    The ‘marketplace of ideas’ is an influential metaphor with widespread currency in debates about freedom of speech. We explore a number of ways competition between ideas might be described as occurring in a marketplace and find that none support the use of the metaphor. We suggest that an alternative metaphor, that of the ‘garden of ideas’, may offer more productive insights into issues surrounding the regulation of speech.
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    On complicity and compromise: a précis.Chiara Lepora & Robert E. Goodin - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):269-269.
    Complicity consists in one person contributing to someone else's wrongdoing. But there is a diverse cluster ways of being involved in another’s wrongdoing. For a ‘diagnosis by exclusion’, we first fix the meaning of complicity in contrast to that with which it is often wrongly conflated. Literally cooperating in wrongdoing with others, for instance, is more than complicity. Each and every cooperator is actually a co-principal in the wrong jointly committed; and each bears the full responsibility, shared with all co-principals, (...)
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    The Beautiful Soul: Aesthetic Morality in the Eighteenth Century.Dabney Townsend & Robert E. Norton - 1997 - Journal of Aesthetics and Art Criticism 55 (1):62.
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    Social capital dimensions in household food security interventions: implications for rural Uganda.Haroon Sseguya, Robert E. Mazur & Cornelia B. Flora - 2018 - Agriculture and Human Values 35 (1):117-129.
    We demonstrate that social capital is associated with positive food security outcomes, using survey data from 378 households in rural Uganda. We measured food security with the Household Food Insecurity Access Scale. For social capital, we measured cognitive and structural indicators, with principal components analysis used to identify key factors of the concept for logistic regression analysis. Households with bridging and linking social capital, characterized by membership in groups, access to information from external institutions, and observance of norms in groups, (...)
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    (1 other version)Convergence in environmental values: An empirical and conceptual defense.Ben A. Minteer & Robert E. Manning - 2000 - Philosophy and Geography 3 (1):47-60.
    Bryan Norton's convergence hypothesis, which predicts that nonan‐thropocentric and human‐based philosophical positions will actually converge on long‐sighted, multi‐value environmental policy, has drawn a number of criticisms from within environmental philosophy. In particular, nonanthropocentric theorists like J. Baird Callicott and Laura Westra have rejected the accuracy of Norton's thesis, refusing to believe that his model's contextual appeals to a plurality of human and environmental values will be able adequately to provide for the protection of ecological integrity. These theoretical criticisms of convergence, (...)
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  10. Courts of Many Minds.Kai Spiekermann & Robert E. Goodin - 2012 - British Journal of Political Science 42:555-571.
    In 'A Constitution of Many Minds' Cass Sunstein argues that the three major approaches to constitutional interpretation – Traditionalism, Populism and Cosmopolitanism – all rely on some variation of a ‘many-minds’ argument. Here we assess each of these claims through the lens of the Condorcet Jury Theorem. In regard to the first two approaches we explore the implications of sequential influence among courts (past and foreign, respectively). In regard to the Populist approach, we consider the influence of opinion leaders.
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    On Complicity and Compromise: A Reply to Peter French and Steven Ratner.Chiara Lepora & Robert E. Goodin - 2016 - Criminal Law and Philosophy 10 (3):591-602.
    Peter French’s and Steven Ratner’s thoughtful comments are helpful in advancing the analysis we offered in our book On Complicity and Compromise. Inevitably, there are areas of disagreement and bones to pick. However, our primary concern in this reply will be to press, with their assistance, the more positive agenda.
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    Recognition reaction time for digits in consecutive and nonconsecutive memorized sets.Donald V. DeRosa & Robert E. Morin - 1970 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 83 (3p1):472.
  13.  59
    Scientific and local classification and management of soils.Shankarappa Talawar & Robert E. Rhoades - 1998 - Agriculture and Human Values 15 (1):3-14.
    A critical comparative analysis of howfarmers and scientists classify and manage soilsreveals fundamental differences as well assimilarities. In the past, the study of local soilknowledge has been predominantly targeted atdocumenting how farmers classified their soils incontrast to understanding how such classificatoryknowledge was made use of in actually managing soilsfor sustaining production. Often, classificatorydesigns – being cognitive and linguistic in nature –do not reflect the day-to-day actions in farming.Instead of merely describing local soil classificationin relation to scientific criteria, understanding howdifferent types (...)
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    Hey Garvin! Science is a game: A reply to McCain, Ward, and Lobb.Stephen F. Davis, Robert E. Prytula & John D. Seago - 1976 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 7 (1):93-95.
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    Ultrahomogeneous Structures.Bruce I. Rose & Robert E. Woodrow - 1981 - Mathematical Logic Quarterly 27 (2-6):23-30.
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    On complicity and compromise: a reply.Chiara Lepora & Robert E. Goodin - 2017 - Journal of Medical Ethics 43 (4):277-278.
    The cautions of our commentators are all well taken, and we are grateful for them. When we say that physicians should respect the wishes of their patients for medical treatment, even if that would make them complicit in torture being inflicted on their patients, Henry Shue reminds us that that assumes that the patients undergoing torture retain minimally adequate decision-making capacity. Insofar as the torture aims at, and succeeds in, producing ‘regression to an infantile state’, patients who are victims of (...)
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  17. Editorial preface.William Gay & Robert E. Innis - 1980 - Philosophy and Social Criticism 7 (3-4):226-226.
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  18. Functional analysis.Robert E. Cummins - 1975 - Journal of Philosophy 72 (November):741-64.
  19.  35
    Principles of learning and the ecological style of inquiry.Thomas R. Alley & Robert E. Shaw - 1981 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 4 (1):139-141.
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    Economists' statement on network neutrality policy.William J. Baumol, Robert E. Litan, Martin E. Cave, Peter Cramton, Robert W. Hahn, Thomas W. Hazlett, Paul L. Joskow, Alfred E. Kahn, John W. Mayo, Patrick A. Messerlin, Bruce M. Owen, Robert S. Pindyck, Vernon L. Smith, Scott Wallsten, Leonard Waverman, Lawrence J. White & Scott Savage - manuscript
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    Effect of number of choices per unit of a verbal maze on learning and serial position errors.W. J. Brogden & Robert E. Schmidt - 1954 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 47 (4):235.
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    Africa-America Institute-Iowa Math and Science Professional Development Workshop: A Distance Learning Approach for Math and Science Literacy in Africa.Vicki Burketta, Robert E. Yager, John Dunkhase & Andy R. Cavagnetto - 2005 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 25 (5):446-454.
    Six African countries participated in an intercontinental professional development workshop developed by the science and math staff at the University of Iowa and supported by the Africa-America Institute. The 11-day workshop was designed to produce changes in goal setting, assessment practices, instruction, and curriculum structures for high school teachers. The article provides a detailed description of the workshop and discusses evidence of workshop successes. Preworkshop and postworkshop vision statements and curriculum units were used to track the progression of five Kenyan (...)
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  23. Chinul's Ambivalent Critique of Radical Subitism in Korean Son Buddhism.Robert E. Buswell Jr - 1989 - Journal of the International Association of Buddhist Studies 12 (2):20-44.
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    (2 other versions)Acknowledgments.John W. Davis & Robert E. Butts - 1971 - In John W. Davis & Robert E. Butts, The Methodological Heritage of Newton. Wiley-Blackwell.
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    I. Introduction.John W. Davis & Robert E. Butts - 1971 - In John W. Davis & Robert E. Butts, The Methodological Heritage of Newton. Wiley-Blackwell. pp. 1-13.
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    Rat memory: Have we anthropomorphized?Stephen F. Davis, Robert E. Prytula, William C. Doughman & David S. Perry - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (6):471-472.
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    Context effects in sentence comprehension: A reply to Doll and Lapinski.D. James Dooling & Robert E. Christiaansen - 1975 - Bulletin of the Psychonomic Society 5 (3):261-262.
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    Government ScienceScience in the Federal Government: A History of Policies and Activities. A. Hunter Dupree.Ellis W. Hawley, Robert E. Kohler & Nathan Reingold - 1987 - Isis 78 (4):576-589.
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    Sanctuary: Kamakura's Tōkeiji Convent.Sachiko Kaneko & Robert E. Morrell - 1983 - Japanese Journal of Religious Studies 10 (2/3):195-228.
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  30. Science, Decision and Value.James Leach, Robert E. Butts & Glenn Pearce - 1973 - D. Reidel.
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    Effects of amount, rate, and stage of automatically-paced training on self-paced performance.Charles O. Nystrom, Robert E. Morin & David A. Grant - 1955 - Journal of Experimental Psychology 49 (4):225.
  32.  15
    Neurogenetic Basis of Social Behavior.Robert E. Page Jr - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell, Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard.
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  33. Part three kl?Robert E. Page Jr - 2009 - In Jürgen Gadau & Jennifer Fewell, Organization of Insect Societies: From Genome to Sociocomplexity. Harvard.
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    (1 other version)Public Attitude Toward Science and Science Education.John E. Penick & Robert E. Yager - 1986 - Bulletin of Science, Technology and Society 6 (4):339-341.
    Public support for and interest in various fields, issues, organizations, and situations change. Public support for and interest in science and science education have been studied over a thirty-year period. Yankelovich's work related to science was enlarged to include science education. The public was very supportive of science and science education following the 1957 lauching of the Soviet Sputnik This high level of support is observed again in 1985, presumably because of the relationship of science and technology to economic security. (...)
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    Gamma band suppression by pseudowords: Evidence for lexical cell assemblies?Thomas P. Urbach, Robert E. Davidson & Robert M. Drake - 1999 - Behavioral and Brain Sciences 22 (2):305-306.
    The EEG and MEG studies cited in the target article found reduced gamma band power following pseudowords in comparison with words. Pulvermüller interprets this power difference in terms of reverberating lexical cell assemblies. An alternative interpretation in terms of latency jitter in the gamma band following pseudowords is proposed that does not appeal to lexical cell assemblies.
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  36. Utilitarianism as a Public Philosophy.Robert E. Goodin - 1995 - New York: Cambridge University Press.
    Utilitarianism, the great reforming philosophy of the nineteenth century, has today acquired the reputation for being a crassly calculating, impersonal philosophy unfit to serve as a guide to moral conduct. Yet what may disqualify utilitarianism as a personal philosophy makes it an eminently suitable guide for public officials in the pursuit of their professional responsibilities. Robert E. Goodin, a philosopher with many books on political theory, public policy and applied ethics to his credit, defends utilitarianism against its critics and (...)
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    An Epistemic Theory of Democracy.Robert E. Goodin & Kai Spiekermann - 2018 - Oxford, United Kingdom: Oxford University Press. Edited by Kai Spiekermann.
    This book examines the Condorcet Jury Theorem and how its assumptions can be applicable to the real world. It will use the theorem to assess various familiar political practices and alternative institutional arrangements, revealing how best to take advantage of the truth-tracking potential of majoritarian democracy.
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  38. Rape Culture and Epistemology.Bianca Crewe & Jonathan Jenkins Ichikawa - 2021 - In Jennifer Lackey, Applied Epistemology. New York, NY: Oxford University Press. pp. 253–282.
    We consider the complex interactions between rape culture and epistemology. A central case study is the consideration of a deferential attitude about the epistemology of sexual assault testimony. According to the deferential attitude, individuals and institutions should decline to act on allegations of sexual assault unless and until they are proven in a formal setting, i.e., a criminal court. We attack this deference from several angles, including the pervasiveness of rape culture in the criminal justice system, the epistemology of testimony (...)
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  39. Foundational Problems in the Special Sciences Edited by Robert E. Butts and Jaakko Hintikka. --.Robert E. Butts & Jaakko Hintikka - 1977 - D. Reidel.
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  40. Enfranchising all affected interests, and its alternatives.Robert E. Goodin - 2007 - Philosophy and Public Affairs 35 (1):40–68.
  41. What is so special about our fellow countrymen?Robert E. Goodin - 1988 - Ethics 98 (4):663-686.
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    Innovating Democracy: Democratic Theory and Practice After the Deliberative Turn.Robert E. Goodin - 2008 - Oxford University Press.
    Revisioning macro-democratic processes in light of the processes and promise of micro-deliberation, Innovating Democracy provides an integrated perspective on democratic theory and practice after the deliberative turn.
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  43. Benefiting from the Wrongdoing of Others.Robert E. Goodin & Christian Barry - 2014 - Journal of Applied Philosophy 31 (2):363-376.
    Bracket out the wrong of committing a wrong, or conspiring or colluding or conniving with others in their committing one. Suppose you have done none of those things, and you find yourself merely benefiting from a wrong committed wholly by someone else. What, if anything, is wrong with that? What, if any, duties follow from it? If straightforward restitution were possible — if you could just ‘give back’ what you received as a result of the wrongdoing to its rightful owner (...)
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  44. Reflective Democracy.Robert E. Goodin - 2003 - New York: Oxford University Press.
    In this strikingly original book, one of the leading scholars in the field focuses on the influential idea of deliberative democracy. Goodin examines the great challenge of how to implement the deliberative ideal among millions of people at once and comes up with a novel solution: 'democratic deliberation within'.
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  45. Reasons for Welfare: The Political Theory of the Welfare State.Robert E. Goodin - 1988 - Princeton University Press.
    Discusses the justification for a minimal welfare state independent of political rhetoric from the right or the left.
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    Classical conditioning and brain systems: The role of awareness.Robert E. D. Clark & L. R. Squire - 1998 - Science 280:77-81.
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    Animal and human breeding: An attempt to study their common principles.F. A. E. Crew - 1929 - The Eugenics Review 21 (2):95.
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    A biologist in a new environment.F. A. E. Crew - 1919 - The Eugenics Review 11 (3):119.
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    Disease and the man.F. A. E. Crew - 1930 - The Eugenics Review 22 (2):133.
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    Heredity in poultry.F. A. E. Crew - 1924 - The Eugenics Review 15 (4):613.
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